“Form is temporary, class is permanent”
Name – Russell Bennett
Age – 52
City / town – East London
Province – Border
Employment – Self-Employed. Property portfolio
School – St Andrew’s College (Grahamstown)
Cricket teams represented – EP schools 1989/90, EP Country Districts, Natal students XI.
Cricket career highlights – Scoring 281not out in a club game for Tarkastad, receiving cricket honours at school, representing Border at the over 40 and over 50 IPT.
Brief description of your cricket skills – Middle order batter that can bowl if required
Other sports played – Rugby, Golf
Interests / hobbies – Fishing, mountain biking
Your sporting hero – Danie Gerber – best centre the world never saw.
Favourite quote – Form is temporary, class is permanent.
Your thoughts on Vets Cricket – I had to at some point choose between rugby and cricket and after facing Malcolm Marshall in a club game in Durban my decision became very clear. Rugby it was.
Vets cricket has brought me back to the game I am passionate about and given me opportunities
to represent my province, play against some of my hero’s and most importantly create new friendships and lifetime memories.